Words are just a representation of every day experiences and I hope to share a few of mine with you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


The post apocalyptic ash runs down my shower curtain
Staining the undersides of my toenails 
And through the holes in my footwear I am reminded of the end of posterity 
Familial bonds decayed from disinterest and egotism 

I condemn myself 
I condemn myself
I create myself 
I condemn myself 

Walking and breathing
Then stoping and heaving
Falling and leaning 
Only to wipe away my face;

Bonded by our pinky fingers 
We forged a bond that could only be broken by the final temptress
The black veil
And she came far too early 
Taking you slowly she taunts my dried eyes 
I tuck the white handkerchief away
Not yet 

The washcloth tied around my Adam's apple isn't much more than empty promises 
I broke the small ones
And the big ones caved that much easier
Apologies reverberate in my skull 
But easily deflect of yours
And the sharp edges are sending the mash-up out my ears 
It's no wonder hearing evades me 

Trees won't fall on you unless you let them 
That's just the statistics
But if they do, you'll see the eulogy of the passers by 
Etched into their bark 
And I am hoping I'll find yours 
"Walk to stay away, stay away from the ranks of the breathing dead"
And so my feet bleed 
But at least I am not only breathing 

-Special thanks to Cormac McCarthy for the basis and title of this poem. 


  1. And so my feet bleed
    But at least I am not only breathing


  2. I have such a love for this book and I love this post as well. Beautifully done.

  3. So should I teach The Road in English 12 next year? I've read it once (okay, I listened to the audiobook), and I saw the movie. Or is it too much for the average senior?

    As far as this post. As far as your writing in general.

    You are different. If I was given a bunch of student writing with no names, I could pick yours out the easiest. You manage to confuse the hell out of me and then make perfect sense in the same paragraph. You use big words that I don't understand and then you include simple images that everyone relates to. It's quite fascinating.

    " Trees won't fall on you unless you let them
    That's just the statistics"

    That might be the coolest line I've read all week.

  4. yep the road is absolutely incredible and so is this post

    your writing is so different in the best way possible never never stop
