Words are just a representation of every day experiences and I hope to share a few of mine with you.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Coat Hangers and Gun Slings

As sure as I feel them in my fingers
As sure as the pressure on my shoulder
As sure as seasons come and go
Like they do
Like they did

Through tree branches and rope swings
We grew strong and so did the branches

One day
One tree
A branch not quite yet grown strong
Our weight too much
The four hands and four feet
Like four tons of bricks

Even though we were only ten we still had some weight
Too much weight

The branch broke
He fell as I clung to the trunk
Separated by ten feet
Broken branches
On and on

We were two different boys
Too different boys

Eventually tracks split
People part ways as do trains and cars
All it took was a simple branch snap

I could feel the pain
Like the hangers in my fingers
Like the weapon on my shoulder


  1. "Through tree branches and rope swings
    We grew strong and so did the branches"
    I loved this
