Words are just a representation of every day experiences and I hope to share a few of mine with you.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Minuscule Memorial For A Mangled Memory

I remember the incessant sound of my voice pervading the air 
I couldn't help it because I was so incredibly nervous
I remember the look of fear and caution on your face as your eyes danced all around mine 
But never locked onto the eyes of my own

I remember reading your blog post
And the feeling of each word building up in my throat 
And as I was turning blue form the suffocating letters I couldn't help but wonder if it was about me
I remember so badly wanting to ask you
But I remember the fear so much more

My fingers remember the top of your head and every strand of hair they combed through
They remember the vibrations on your skull from the violent headaches within 
I remember how I put you to sleep and even though I couldn't talk to you I was happy 
Because this was the calmest I'd seen your body in ages 

I remember the first time my father left on business  
I thought he would never come back 
Because the day before I remember my mother slapping him 
And the mark on his cheek
I remember than every time I walk through the living room where it happened 

I remember I was your guardian 
I remember you were self-proclaimed invincible and sent me into early retirement
But you never would have known that you were my guardian more so 
And know I don't know what to do 
I outlived my savings

I remember riding the scoop of the bobcat my father rented 
I remember I would learn how to drive one someday

I remember why I come back home as I wrap my face in the pink blanket of my fathers 
I named it nostalgia 
And it smells like my dad 

I remember never wanting to talk again
And I remember you there 
Then suddenly I wasn't a mute 

I remember the incandescent light in your smile 
And how it was more than enough to last me for the day 
I remember trying to find light bulbs labeled "smile light" but they all said LED or some other worthless word 
I remember my bright red knees from kneeling at the toilet for hours
And I remember the smell of my innards in the air

I remember hiking horsetail falls in the snow 
Clad in short shorts and nate feet
And I remember the feeling leaving my feet

I remember the elderly gentleman I passed on my way up the canyon
I remember the thumbs up he gave me because I had my dog in the cab of my truck 
And somehow I can't help but think he used to do that on his bad days too 
And I remember his smile transferred on to my drooping visage 

I remember late curfews caused by the first lie I could think of
I remember when my brother didn't come home for a few days and wondering how early his curfew would be the next night 

I remember monsters under the bed and blankets made into armor from whatever lye in my closet

I remember dates 
Important days 
Trips with girls 
And shriveled mystery fruits  

I remember how we were going to fall in love 
But you don't 


  1. "I remember I was your guardian
    I remember you were self-proclaimed invincible and sent me into early retirement"


    "I remember how we were going to fall in love
    But you don't"

    this post is beautiful. its more detailed than everyone elses and I really like that.

  2. That last line was a perfect ending. Splendidly done
