Words are just a representation of every day experiences and I hope to share a few of mine with you.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

An Incredibly Biased But Accurate Autobiography

I am the kid who always appears angry in the halls
It's because I am thinking
About him and her and me and probably you too 
I'm just asleep behind the glassy eyes
Wrinkled forehead
And slanted eyebrows 
So please please wake me up 

I still raise my hands when I go over speedbump's because it lets me know I'm still trying
And love, in times like these all you can do is try 

I have the hardest time dealing with myself 
All I want to do is take care of every student at Lone Peak
Because everyone deserves to have their eyes wrinkle from a smile 
Everyone deserves to feel the sun in their chest
But I am too scared to try and talk to the "cool kids"
And it's hard because I know some of them need it 
And I have never made it to student council so somehow I feel ineligible to talk to strangers 

I'm the kid who lays in bed with my phone flashlight on because I am scared of what's in my closet 
And I am also hoping the bottom of the top bunk will tell me how to solve it all 
But nothing has come yet

I'm the kid who wears too many layers 
And I am sorry if that bothers you 
But there is something about having my coat collar zipped all the way up 
Something in the way it holds me 
And I actually feel safe 
Safe from the yelling
The hate
The eyes 
And especially the emotion 
Plus it covers my acne 
It makes me feel like a sore thumb in alpine 
"land of the perfect"

I don't make eye contact because it scares the hell out of me
I hate to swear but that's the only way I can explain it 

Girls scare me
So badly
They are like ISIS 
I don't really know what they are about
But I know they are powerful 

I always try to hug and kiss my siblings
They sadly push me away every time cause that's "gross" and "we're too old to kiss on the cheek"
But to me, cheeks are the most loving
Cause they catch all the tears of sadness
I am a failure at expressing my emotions any other way than tickling your ear and grabbing your fingers 
I'm sorry I bug you 

I won't tell you the real reason I wear rings 
Firstly because I don't want to
Secondly because you don't care
Thirdly I have trust issues that stemmed from childhood betrayal 
And fourthly because it's simply too personal 

I am hypochondriatic which is a problem
Because my eyes keep hurting and that means I probably have a growth on the back of them 
Which in turn means I can't read your posts 
And a trip to the hospital is useless because it's too late to save me 
And this paper cut
Could be an open vessel for Ebola which my dad may have 
He travels 200 days of the year for business
So maybe he cheats on my mom
And perhaps this stomach ache of mine is actually acid erosion
And there is no way that is rain tapping on my window 
It's definitely a burglar 
So even though I'm 17 and it's 2:00 AM
Dad your coming to my room 
Maybe I'm overthinking things 
Probably not 

I read poetry in class as often as I can but before I go you'll see me check my pulse
It's at about 190
And there are football players in my class
And I have never had so many eyes on me 
Which is what everyone seems to want
I ably want to bloodshot ones
Cause those are the ones who actually care
And don't judge me 

I wish I could have been as great as the top five writers 
But that's one of my greatest problems 
I'll never measure up
It seems I write my best poetry in my sleep/dreams
But my mind isn't s pen and pad
Like theirs is 
Which leads me to describe the kid I am who has absolutely no self confidence 

I only post first drafts because I feel like anything else is not raw enough
Not real enough 

I'm painfully shy and people think I am mean
Which makes me sad
I'm a lost writer 
I'm an emotional wreck
I'm an older brother 
And proud of that
I'm feeding plants and dogs so one day I'll be ready for kids
But not any time soon
They would have days of hunger at least twice a week 

I'm quirky and i want the whole world to know
Because I am proud to be me 

And if any of you were patient enough to read this whole thing I congratulate you
You'll need to exercise that virtue a bit longer 

And to those who skipped down from the top
I hope one day you'll write and read with the same vigor you eat and breathe with 
Because when you get there 
You'll understand why my posts are so long

-Alice S. 


  1. I honestly have never got more goose bumps in reading one post then just now, you are beautiful, i love you and i can honestly say you are my favorite writer and lone peak and I can honestly say you are the best in my opinion

  2. Holy S this is awesome, funny, sad, and beautiful.

    You are a tease.

  3. the part about the cheeks and tears.

    this post gave me chills. and enough times that i lost count.



  4. Your blog is amazing and this post blew my mind.


  5. This post killed me just like every other post of yours. I seriously love your blog. It's the most real of all the blogs which, by extension, makes you the most real of all the people, I think. You didn't reveal your name and that kills me, but I think I know who you are. And if I'm right, you are an amazing person and I think that you have changed more lives than you know. I just love your writing and I hope that you don't ever stop.

  6. Dear Alice,
    In the beginning my best friend thought I was you which was a huge compliment to me. I seriously have been breathing your blog ever since. I've embraced and loved every single post. Which is amazing because I can't sat that about most people. Your blog is alive and raw, and I love it, and I'm glad you like it like that. Although it kills me, I'm glad you're still a mystery. Never stop writing. I'll never stop reading.

  7. "But to me, cheeks are the most loving
    Cause they catch all the tears of sadness"

    Seriously you said you'll never measure up but to me you're top 5. Also I thought I was finally gonna find out who you were ughhhh

  8. No no no waittttt I wanna know who you are. Because you're an incredible writer. And reading your post are more than worth my time. You're so real and raw and I get lost in your writing. Don't ever stop!

  9. Also the part about wanting to save every kid at lone peak but being afraid to talk to the cool kids but they need talking to too. Yesss loved that part so true.

  10. I just want you to know that I think more of you than I think of myself or most anyone for that matter.

    You have a genuine soul inside your skin and its addicting. I always want to talk to you haha.

    Im glad we're friends, but I wish we were better friends. And im glad everyone else seems to love your blog as much as I do.

    You deserve the best and then some, never stop writing. Ever.


  11. Oh my friend you can never have enough layers. And I care enough about your rings that I even try to steal them sometimes. Maybe one day I'll succeed. I love you, and your words. Love, Jordana
    P.S. I hope your plethora of barbies are treating you well.

  12. I've checked your blog probably 10 times to see if you have revealed your name yet. Your writing is so good and I love reading your posts. I read this one twice just to make sure I didn't miss your name. Don't stop writing.

  13. My heart broke into a thousand pieces reading this, but it also stitched itself back up. This is beautiful. I absolutely love your writing. I love how you haven't said your name yet, but you're still revealing little bits and pieces about yourself. Love it all.

  14. Wow. You are absolutely incredible. I'm pretty sure I know who you are but I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Your writing makes me feel. And in my opinion you should have made it into the top 5, more than once. This took my breath away.

  15. We're still waiting...

    1. How I feel every day.

      It's Christmas though, so maybe we'll get lucky..?

  16. I felt,
    And I felt,
    And I'm still feeling.
    Well done my friend.
